NewAccess for depression and anxiety: adapting the UK Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Program across Australia
NewAccess for depression and anxiety: adapting the UK Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Program across Australia – Paul Cromarty, Aaron Drummond, Tamara Francis, Julieanne Watson, Malcolm Battersby
Australasian Psychiatry – Published 31 March 2016
The first author of this accepted publication is Vimal Stanislaus, a medical student on his clinical placement with Flinders Human Behaviour & Health Research Unit in 2014. Vimal has been working with Tarun Bastiampillai and Melanie Harris on the project titled ‘Audit a sample of case notes using a standard tool that looks at physical health as well as mental health care coordination, and at action and
Objective: NewAccess is a Low Intensity Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (LiCBT) early intervention pilot, for mild to moderate depression and anxiety. In November 2015 the Australian Government Review of Mental Health Programmes and Services specifically highlighted the program, stating, “Primary Health Networks will.…be encouraged and supported to work towards better utilisation of low intensity ‘coaching’ services for people with lesser needs, building on evaluations of programmes such as the NewAccess model of care, and the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies model of stepped care implemented in the United Kingdom.” NewAccess runs in three sites (Adelaide, Canberra and North Coast New South Wales) based on the successful UK Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) model. NewAccess involves training in evidence-based interventions, regular clinical supervision and recording outcome measures every session. Key performance indicators include functional recovery,loss of diagnosis, return to employment and early intervention.
Read the full journal article here: http://apy.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/03/31/1039856216641310.full.pdf+html